Category - Uncategorized

Preparing for a Reading

For many writers, the fun part is the writing. Marketing, not so much. If you want your work to find an audience, you will have to moonlight as what Joey Garcia of the Belize Writers Conference calls, an ‘Authorpreneur.’ This means marketing. And one aspect of marketing will be reading your work in front of an audience, whether live...

A Dream I Once Had

In a dream I once had there were a million of us, so numerous we covered all the lands and seas, and even blotted out the sun with our shadow. There was someone to my left and someone to my right. Even if they left their void would never be empty for long, for there was always another to take their place. And somehow I knew that even if I too...

Choosing an Excerpt for a Reading

Readings are an important tool for emerging writers–they help get your name and work out in the open, and give potential readers a taste of your writing. However, when you’re reading from your novel or another long work, it can be difficult to choose a selection to share. We here in the Tarweed team would like to share some tips for finding...

Misty Blue writes a post

When I was a girl, I lived on an island. Nobody lived there but me, my brother, and my dad. In the evenings, all my work done, I wandered the sandy trails through trees hung with moss, until I came to one or another beach. There were five beaches, each with its own character. My favorite was Swimming Beach. Swimming beach had sand sloping into...

Seeking Readers

Are you in a book club? Are you always looking for that next enchanting read? Tarweed is devoted to introducing new works while the writer is still engaged in the process. As we embark on our mission, we are looking for a few discerning book lovers to guide us in making Tarweed your go to source for new writers and their work.  

Template: Sticky

This is a sticky post. There are a few things to verify: The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky class if you are using the post_class() function to generate your post classes, which is a best practice. They should show at the very top of the blog index page, even...