Category - prose

Leaving Mendocino Part One

    Before I can explain what it was to leave Mendocino, I suppose I’ll need to describe what it was to live in Mendocino, as ephemeral as such an experience can be. I entered the weird world of Mendocino with an open heart, and it enchanted me for four years. Until it didn’t. You see, Mendocino is more than a just geographical place. I...

November Reading

Our November Reading, produced by Peninsula Literary, videotaped by Midpen Media, is now online. Featuring Tarweed writer, Tania Martin, Nona Caspers, Joey Garcia, Bob Dickerson, Deborah Kennedy, Tanu Wakefield, and artist Trevlyn Williams, and introduced by Jean Znidarsic and Carrie Hechtman.

a weird dream i had

a group of children were fleeing a kindly man. though he was kind and was not dangerous, the children knew he would turn them over to people who would harm them. and so they ran. they were in a different dimension, a fever dream of bright colors and impossible architecture and church roofs that arched high above candy floss clouds and ikea chairs...