History of Alchemy

Alchemy is the forebear of our chemistry, medecine, physics, and science. Also known as Hermeticism, it has roots many hundreds of years ago and sprouted in numerous cultures and places. As the result, it belongs to no individual heritage. In spite of its many truths, secrets, and benefits, a lot of history includes great efforts to wipe it out. The main reason for this is that alchemy is a means to individual sovereignty and empowerment.

The primary secret of alchemy has little to do with making lead into gold in a literal sense. Alchemy offers the aspirant a set of practices that, if pursued with diligence and integrity, will open the mysteries before them. No interceding priest or guru is needed. No toll must be paid. Alchemy may be taught, however nobody stands betwixt alchemy and the aspirant except the aspirant.

Anyone who would pursue these mysteries would be well advised to learn something about the history of alchemy. There are many books on the subject, and many of those were written by alchemists. However, because those people often lived in peril and had to hide their work, much of it is written in the language of symbols, stories, and lies. Once you have learned for yourself what alchemy is, you will begin to read such things with a discerning eye. The sparkling mysteries that hid among those pages will open to you.

Below is our favorite source of reliable accounts of the history of alchemy, or Western esotericism.

Secret History of Western Esotericism Podcast

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